Twelfth Battalion [XII]

Meet some of the crew!

Centurion Grimcrotch, commander of the 'Bloody 12th' [XII] Blood Legion Battalion

Primus Centurion Grimcrotch, commander of the ‘Bloody 12th’ [XII] Blood Legion Battalion

Primus Centurion Grimcrotch:

Grew up in the fahrar never knowing his sire or simba. Defended Dinky in a fight and became fast friends as cubs, fighting hard and playing hard. A few years before warband age nearly killed Dinky while firing an experimental gun he made from parts found around the war wagon prep deck, and was punished by Rytlock Brimstone himself, who saw it; the two have been trying to outdo each other with pranks ever since.

Rose through the ranks after making his name in the Grim warband with Dinky at his side, uncovering several more very valuable officers with bright futures along the way. Created the program to reintegrate gladium back into charr society. Inventor of the more efficient ‘Do it or I’ll kill you’ manufacturing method adopted by the Iron Legion, increasing military arsenal output by 172%. First Blood Legion centurion to have a full armored vehicle warband under his direct command*. Gained the ‘Bloody Twelfth’ battalion nickname for his not just an eye for an eye approach, but his ‘will gut you alive and splay you out in the desert sun’ for an eye approach, to killing flame legion.


*Normally full armored vehicle warbands fell under Iron Legion command and Blood Legion could ‘borrow’ them when needed. Grim put an end to that, ordering armored vehicles both tanks and war wagons to be made for permanent Blood Legion use, and promoted his armored director Wrathclaw legionnaire of them.


Grimpaw Grindgear, engineer w/ the Grim warband in the C.A.T suit

Grimpaw Grindgear, engineer w/ the Grim warband in the C.A.T. suit

Grimpaw Grindgear:

Always punished for blowing holes in the fahrar wall just because he wanted to go out that way. Was transferred to the same fahrar as Grimcrotch and Dinky (when the ‘Terrible Two’ joined the Steelbane warband) because ‘if Primus Kurr can handle those two, he is the only chance we have against this cub.’ Used to gift dead rodents he killed to elders, unfortunately he used explosives so there wasn’t much meat, or anything, left.

As a young one failed to convert a trebuchet into a ‘cow cutter’ for the Butcher’s Block Meat Festival…. Once built a ramp at Blackblade Lake to launch a wheel-less tank frame, with a modified power plant injector on a rocket motor, seat with no steering and iron sheet bird shaped wings, in an attempt at a flying rocket vehicle thing. He didn’t know what it was, but it looked good on paper. Became the first charr or outside entity to be honorably mentioned by the asura Snaff Prize committee*, at the insistence of co-creator and award winner Poppler Swizzlestix, for his part in creating their armor (the C.A.T. suit). Co-created the particle beam hand cannon with his fellow engineer Poppler as well.


*If you’re not an asura, you’re not getting a Snaff Prize. Close as someone not asura can get would be honorable mention by the committee during the ceremony on record, and even that is a stretch, no other record of them would exist, so technically only Poppler received the award.



Poppler Swizzlestix, College of Dynamics engineer & best friend of Grimpaw Grindgear

Poppler Swizzlestix:

While a young asura, created homemade hand grenade fireworks and nearly got Rata Sum invaded by the Hylek, for running through their village and tossing them into their huts, injuring their leaders. Was given an honorary title of ‘Hero’ as a young one by Zojja for alerting Soren Draa of a mass black leopard attack, only to have it taken away for being found to have caused the attack by taking an alpha kitten because ‘it looked neat’.

Once made a wireless communication device out of a rock with a note tied to it. It didn’t go over very well on the receiving end. During his first year of college, created a ‘homing bomb’ with legs that ran. Created the first known single asura non-motorized personal-powered transport, calling it a Draisine*. After winning a Snaff Prize for his Golem, became the first asura to win a second with his collaboration on the C.A.T. suit, a set of armor with a particle beam infused shield, with best friend Grimpaw Grindgear, a charr engineer**. Also co-created the particle beam hand cannon with his friend Grimpaw. Is the only creature in the history of Tyria to pull weapons on 19 charr soldiers all at once, and live.

oldbikepopplerdraisine2*Original sketch of Poppler’s personal transport, the Draisine

**Being charr, Grimpaw Grindgear could not win a Snaff Prize, he was only given honorable mention during the award ceremony on record, at Poppler’s insistence.