The Citadel

Mr. Grim

Mr. Grim

Never claimed to be a professional writer, but read a ton when younger. Not the kid typical comics or similar, but was always a history fan; biographies of say Daniel Boone, Edison, Greek and Roman myths, classics like Treasure Island, The Time Machine. Moved on to everything I could get my hands on concerning World War 2; seems strange people now don’t realize how close we came to speaking German as a 1st language.

I have ‘author’ on my twitter because, well, what else would you call it, scribbler? Probably closer to what it is, but no lol. Always had a very active imagination, and these mmo’s lately have sparked it for the last few years with MustaschWorld about my tauren hunter Mustasch and the Madbull clan in WoW (5 100’s, 2 90+, three about 50-ish I don’t remember), and Grimcrotch with the ‘Bloody Twelfth’  along with many of his background crew here. Interesting lore, though it is hard for me to find much on charr. I have a lot of e-books from WoW, nothing but wiki on GW2, so outside of map locations all of the Grimcrotch stories are just winging it.

And like other GW2 writers outside the company, I created these works myself, but unless it is a reference to official Anet lore you won’t find anything about those other stories here. In fact except for the official wiki, I have never read any other stories about the game. I don’t change or create the game lore, everything I write happens within what has already been written by the company and was put in-game.

I am a wvw’er, we ‘won’ the 2014 spring T1 NA WvW Tourney. There was no win, it was arranged to be that way and I wouldn’t be a part of it; a group of our server commanders who thought they could speak for all of us, made a deal w/ another server, if they helped us double team the 3rd server so we could take first, we would help them take second from the 3rd server. And that’s how it went. You probably saw the bow in my pics, the Mistforged Hero’s Longbow in the story Brotherhood, and in the header.

I don’t consider the bow (and greatsword, I do have that as well) a trophy for the season. I look at it as something I earned for putting up with their bullshit for 9 weeks. It lasted entirely too long.


I have tried to give each character here their own personality, sort of successfully, they will develop more as I go along I’m sure. And I may be getting more slots at some point in the future, now that Anet has been cool enough to at least give rangers a halfway decent shot trait (Read The Wind). Grimcrotch is my main, I wasn’t going to invest any more until they did him right.

Rafka Firemane was a kind of interesting addition. You can’t play a cub, and I was looking around in Black Citadel coming up with my first story A Trip To The Past when that name for the cub came up, looking at it just standing there with other cubs in Diessa Plateau with the fahrar elder, as you enter from the Citadel portal. I hadn’t planned to make any of my other characters story subjects, so naming her Rafka Firemane happened to allow me to later add an additional element of a sire to her story with Rathgaar Firemane. A touchy balance for Rafka, keeping in mind her charr toughness and the weapons training, while remembering she is just a cub and likes to play and be young*.

I never played GW1, but from what I know the charr weren’t a playable race. They were hunted and used for leather apparently. Then they rose up in the battles we got a glimpse of after toon creation in GW2, and not only took back their lands from the humans but killed their gods, how epic is that. I haven’t played it because I have never been able to log on, some kind of error I keep getting. And getting help from NCSoft has been like talking to a brick wall.

It’s a brutal world, charr are taught from birth about fighting, killing, honor, discipline, winning at all costs. Even if it means many charr die, the end result will be the charr triumphant, nothing else is acceptable. So keep that in mind when you read about the things Grimcrotch, Elexus, Dinky, Fyon the Wraith, Wrathclaw, and the rest of the ‘Bloody Twelfth’ Blood Legion Battalion do.


I haven’t done anything with MustaschWorld because I just can’t take the gameplay any more, and won’t pay simply to float around and dream up the stories. I have no plans to continue stories there though I did write one more. I do think about my Arcturis bear Keelaunaw; that’s a difference in these two games that I wish wasn’t so.

In WoW the hunter pets were more like your buddy, used to be able to set traits etc., great fun to just roam and kill stuff with him in the snowy mountains, desert or a dungeon (I would actually get angry when my Keelaunaw got killed in pvp, and I would hunt down and make sure that turd died several times in return). Can feed them, I dunno, just had more of an endearing quality than GW2 pets. These pets are like disposable things, and they just kind of threw in the name change ability as an afterthought.

Grimcrotch is not actually my ranger toon’s name any more. I logged on to the official GW2 twitch with the name one day, the mod mentioned changes coming up and I said ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’. Never mentioned even one time that the Grimcrotch name I logged in to Twitch with was my toons name, but the next day when I logged on I was forced to change it lol, apparently they went out of their way to find it and do that; had already started writing these stories, had the domain and twitter, things were moving…..then they ganked me. Oh well, was funny for a while. I’m actually surprised I was able to get the domain, I was almost sure some nasty porn had taken it, but when it came up free I had to snag it.

That’s about it for now, many more stories coming, remember to bookmark and RSS. Check back often. MEAT, MEAT, GLORIOUS MEAT! BITE IT, CHEW IT, SWALLOW IT DOWN! MEATT!!

*Update: Rafka Firemane has now grown and is a full fledged member of the Grim Warband! Check it out in Young Guns .