
Throughout these stories, for one reason or another certain characters, events, or in Grim’s case attitude, blended together in a magical way with various music to inspire what you read here. Both the music and fiction together create something even I don’t understand, but I love it. Enjoy.


Rafka Firemane’s experience while growing and training to become a member of the Grim warband in Little Fighter 



Legionnaire Dinky and engineer Grimpaw Grindgear’s Herculean efforts to hammer out war wagon tracks by the deadline in Iron Man



A major flame legion invasion into Ascalon puts Centurion Grimcrotch at the tip of the blood legion blade in The Fire & The Fury



Engineers Grimpaw Grindgear and his asura friend Poppler Swizzlestix are assigned to create a high tech rocket vehicle in Flight of Icarus

*Let it be known this is an official EMI Iron Maiden video of this song and the best copy I could find, but it chaps my ass to no end to have to close these Vevo ads every 30secs. I apologize to you the viewer.


Grimcrotch avenges both himself and his simba, and finds peace with that part of his past in Resurrection

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