Dinky’s Heroes Pt. 3

‘Get those mortars started, Fyon, we’re about to move out!’ Dinky said loudly, just short of a yell into the radio. As the broken reply came back, ‘You got it, Dinky!’, arrows and bullets began to whiz by them occasionally; they’d been spotted near a bare spot in the flame legion front line where the legionnaire’s group planned to move forward. Suddenly dozens of shells from the remaining 12th battalion staying behind rained down, forcing the enemy that didn’t die to scatter in every direction to their rear.

‘Stay low and tight, do not stray, do not chase after rabbits! Am I clear!?’ he yelled over the explosions ahead. ‘Clear, sir!’ came the reply from everyone. ‘Alright, move out engineers, tanks then soldiers! For Blood Legion!’ He drew his sword raising it high, and was given a loud ‘BLOODY TWELFTH ‘OORAH!’ in return. Trotting forward as they ran behind the tanks with engineers scouting for mines ahead, he noticed several stealthy charr hugging the ground come in from both sides.

One of them trotted up to him pulling off their mask. ‘What are you doing here, Shredskin?’ he asked as they continued their run through the front line. ‘Commander Grim told me to carry you, make sure you didn’t get any boo-boos,’ she said grinning, playfully slapping his shoulder. ‘Bah, I’m gonna kick his tail when we get back! Alright, get up there and help the engineers clear for the tanks, we don’t have many and I’m sure Grindgear could use a hand.’ She saluted, motioned in a circle above her head then pointed in front of the tanks.

About one hundred yards in, when it was clear they had passed any mines, Shredskin and the engineers dropped back letting Lefty Ironpaw and his three tanks lead. It seemed the bare spot they had found to enter, was bare because it was populated by weaker flame legion. When the mortars rained down, they scattered completely from the area near Sweltering Canyons, with only the occasional potshot incoming to Dinky’s crew.

What they didn’t see behind them after they sped through were those flame legion that scattered, seen by their commanders, being killed on the spot for running and replaced by hardened vets, some of whom followed them.

Heart of the mess in Fireheart Rise

Heart of the mess in Fireheart Rise

Grim didn’t like anything about sending Dinky and many of the 12th on this mission; he trusted his best friend, but he thought his legionnaire took on more than he could handle this time. They were headed into the heart of flame legion territory next to The Baelfire, the flame legion citadel. The scrolls pointed to a nondescript cave hidden by a boulder to the north the entrance.

Radio calls came in left and right from all over the front, ash and iron needing blood reinforcement, and no word from those in the far northwest near Highland Thaw. As he thought of the mess, a plan of action formed in his head. He sent a runner with a message to Brimstone saying he was needed at the front to hold the line. Grim wasn’t the kind with a desire to sit at the rear and direct large groups of charr to their deaths, he wanted to be in the fight, promotion or not.

As soon as the runner returned with the Tribune’s reply stating he was on his way, the primus centurion got on the horn and told Fyon the Wraith to gather Wrathclaw and the rest of the 12th left behind at his command post on the double, they were going to crack some skulls, enough of this sitting around. ‘You got it, sir!…I mean, uh, Grim!’ came the reply, a huge grin heard in his voice.

In the meantime while waiting, he received word many of the iron legion war wagons and tanks, having been grouped in a large push past Forge Plains headed toward Cozen Desolation, were sitting ducks for a massive flame legion mortar, trebuchet and catapult bombardment from the nearby cliffs; two thirds were taken out of commission or destroyed in the wide open field. ‘Where do they find these charr, and who does the promoting…’ he mumbled, shaking his head.

Ash legion had several successful guerrilla attacks destroying supply and ammo dumps behind the lines, but that’s what they do, they weren’t made for heavy attacks. And from the looks of it, no matter how much heavy iron they had, neither was iron legion.

Primus Centurion Grimcrotch discussing Fireheart Rise flame legion offensive with Tribune Cantia Fatestealer of ash legion

Primus Centurion Grimcrotch discussing Fireheart Rise flame legion offensive with Tribune Cantia Fatestealer of ash legion

The tent flap whipped open and the tribune strode in, ‘What’s going on, Grim?’ he said. The primus centurion spread open the map of the region on his crate desk and began; ‘We have four iron legion battalions here in the east, the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 7th. A lot of their heavy armor was just wiped out. Don’t know exactly what they have left yet but it looks bad. I’ll give you four of my war wagons and a handful of tanks if you need them, but they need backup yesterday, at least soldiers, to take out that massive number of mortars, trebs and cats in the cliffs on either side of Cozen Desolation, here and here.’

‘Probably be a good idea to get ash on that right away until you can reinforce iron. We need a two-pronged push toward Keeper’s Sanctum and Cozen as soon as those cliffs are cleared of flame legion. We can hold them once we get to the water’s edge. Between the three legions communications are like pulling fangs, so I have no word on any flame numbers at Sloven Pitch, so watch your tails once you get out that way. Meantime, get ash on top of Burnt Hollow and Switchback Canyons, take out any siege or mortars and snipers.’

‘Push anything left of ash and iron through Switchback, I’ll send the 2nd and 4th blood to reinforce them, with the 6th in reserve. Once we get the canyons locked up flame has only one way out here to the northwest at Highland Thaw. Thaw had some norn rangers and Kodan taking nasty bites out of flame, but I don’t know how long they can last. The 2nd iron has held off flame from Mangonel Cavern last I heard, but it’s been a while, the situation might have changed. And we had an ash battalion with a Vigil company in Onager Bivouac here, but there’s only one way in or out and, again, I haven’t heard anything from them, either.’

‘I’m taking our 1st, 5th, 7th, and 12th northwest toward Mangonel to meet up with ash, iron, Vigil and the 2nd & 4th blood near Icespear’s Shelf and The Toughstone. Just keep them busy, sir. As I sweep east I’m taking out their entire tail end, push them into me and I’ll chew them up like a meatgrinder.’ Brimstone nodded then looked up at his newest primus centurion; he was grinning, the normally slight green flame licking the edge of his pupils since his return now engulfed them.

‘Well what are you waiting for, soldier? Get out there before I beat you to it!’ the tribune ordered with a determined grin. Grim saluted then turned, whipped open the flap and began shouting orders. Good thing he’s on our side, Brimstone thought smiling, as he too left the tent and began shouting his own.

Grim didn’t tell him his massive push at the back end of Fireheart Rise was straight for Dinky and the rest of his battalion, no one else knew he was out there going for the lost Claw of the Khan-Ur gemstone.