Flight Of Icarus Pt. 4

Turning back toward the table, the centurion tossed his worn and weathered notebook down. The asura and Grimpaw exchanged glances. ‘Look at it.’ Grimcrotch said, nodding. Poppler picked it up, began to flip through several faded pages, then slowed, finally stopping on a particular page. He looked up at the centurion with surprise, who simply stared back with crossed arms.

Going back to the notebook, he looked for a date; every page had one…it was from five years ago!

‘Sir, you already made your own plans for a rocket engine five years ago?! These notes look very close to my own, that I just drew up a few months ago. But you aren’t an engineer….are you?’ Grimcrotch pulled out a chair in front of him in the canteen, and sat down. ‘Never underestimate anyone, asura, no matter their outward appearance. And you clearly did that with me, assuming I wouldn’t know how to do your work.’

‘And you’re right, I’m not an engineer. But it doesn’t take one to learn, Poppler.’ He leaned back in the chair on two legs, ‘It’s good to know you asura think we charr sit around lazing in the sun when we aren’t out killing enemies. If the time ever comes, we will have a very big immediate advantage against you,’ he said, raising an eyebrow to the little engineer. ‘Clearly, sir.’

‘I only showed you those plans because you created your own, asura. You never got help from me in making them. You may sit around with Grimpaw,’ he waved in Grimpaw’s direction, ‘coming up with great new ideas, but they are new ideas, and you created them HERE,’ he pointed into the table, meaning in charr territory, ‘and I expect them to only be utilized here, not in Rat-Something or other. Your ideas are my property when you’re coming up with them here, you understand me, asura?’

‘Crystal clear, centurion.’ Poppler snapped a smart charr salute. ‘Alright,’ Grimcrotch pushed himself back from the table and stood, ‘Grimpaw, tell Dinky you want the warband to start moving the crates and supplies out to the launch area, I want everything ready in a few days out there.’ ‘On my way, sir.’ The charr engineer saluted and ran off with Poppler to begin the heavy work.

Blackblade Lake launch area map, Diessa Plateau

Blackblade Lake launch area map, Diessa Plateau

When most of the spare parts, along with the radio, were taken out to Blackblade Lake, Poppler stayed at the site to set up the radio and do a last minute check on the launch ramp; everything looked good. Say what you will about the charr, he thought, but they certainly weren’t the undisciplined warmongers most races assumed. Given what they’ve accomplished as he looked back, they came very far very fast.

But then they didn’t have a choice.

Grimpaw and a few of the warband returned with more fuel and supplies, and arranged them out of rocket range behind it for safety, then Poppler told him he wanted to test the radio distance. So Grimpaw hopped in a tank and took off for the far end of the lake with his earpiece. All he got was static inside the tank, but when he stepped out the radio worked perfectly. Except when he got closer to the cliff wall at the end of the lake near the falls.

Maybe there was metal in the rock that created the interference. Oh well, he thought, probably won’t make it this far anyway. He drove back to the launch ramp and parked, then told Poppler of the cliff wall interference, but the asura agreed, the rocket probably wouldn’t get that far.

Grimcrotch and his legionnaires showed up, along with several other officers. Dinky arrived a moment later, ‘The tribune said he would be along shortly, boss.’ he said. Grim nodded. ‘One more trip, guys. Can’t do anything without the rocket.’ As he said that, in the distance he could see a tank rolling closer pulling a modified trailer, with the rocket vehicle resting securely on its back.

Grimpaw and Poppler supervised the unloading of the vehicle, demanding everyone be extremely careful or get out of the way for someone who would be. The rocket was gently placed on its cart resting on the ramp, then locked down in place. For the next hour the engineers meticulously went over every visible section, making sure it was exactly as it was when it left the war wagon prep deck.


After the inspection, Grimpaw strapped on the parachute his centurion and Poppler both insisted he wear, with little complaint. He climbed onto the back of the rocket and belted himself onto the seat, then leaned forward to grip the steering and work the ailerons. He then seated his boots into the pedals slightly below and behind him, pushing each back several times to test rudder control.

The two engineers tested the radio a last time. ‘You ready my friend?’ Poppler asked over their intercom. ‘There is no hurry. I’d rather let things sit and get cold than send you up if you’re not.’ A hundred yards away the asura could see Grimpaw on the seat leaning along the top edge of the rocket. ‘Let’s go, Poppler. Everything is clear, I’m ready, and we got the brass here.’ Poppler could see Grimpaw wave his arm in acknowledgement.