Engineering An Empire

The shack on the warwagon prep deck had been given to Grimpaw Grindgear by his legionnaire Dinky soon after Grimcrotch was made centurion, so that the engineer could have a place to work on the warband’s ‘special’ projects, such as the barrel bombs they used in the Fields of Ruin campaign. Dinky was no engineer, but he and many others believed he had missed his calling, so he took Grimpaw under his wing to bring many of his ideas to life, rather successfully.

Grimpaw focused and zoomed in with his eyepiece looking into the tiny square tube where he was attempting to solder a wire connection, but every time he reached in as far as he could, the wire slipped off from his fat claws bumping it. ‘Bah! I can’t get this, my paws are so big they won’t fit in here to do anything. Poppler, come solder this for me, will you?

Poppler Swizzlestix, an asura engineer who Grimpaw had met some months before, turned from his project on the table in front of him and set down his tool, then went toward the charr engineer, saying ‘You know, charr shouldn’t be educated like this. If they had stayed the big brutes they are instead of trying to learn, life would be much easier for you.’

Grimpaw handed him the tube with a sneer and raised eyebrow, saying ‘And if I didn’t need your little fingers for my projects, I’d eat you like a chicken leg.’ Poppler looked at Grimpaw nervously, gulping back the thought of becoming a snack for a charr and loosened his collar. ‘Yes, well. Hand it to me, I’ll take care of it for you.’

Thirty seconds later the wire was soldered on and the connection went live. ‘Thank you, Poppler.’ Grimpaw said smiling, patting him on the shoulder. The asura nodded and went back to his own work.


Poppler Swizzlestix, Asura engineer and Grimpaw Grindgear’s friend

Grimpaw met Poppler out on the Diessa Plateau, where the Asura was testing an electric chain gun he had developed. If working correctly, it was supposed to bind its target in chains, preventing their escape. There was already one on the market but it could be countered by some spells; Poppler was working on one that couldn’t be countered by anything, for the soldiers in the Mist War. But something wasn’t right, it was no better than the one already out.

The charr engineer was catching chickens to eat outside the town of Nagling when he found the asura engineer about to be overtaken by Ascalonian spirits near there while testing his gun. The charr dropped several turrets to hold them off as he helped move the little Poppler into town out of danger. Grimpaw asked what he was doing there and was told; the two gadget wizards became friends right then and there.

Afterwards Grimpaw brought Poppler and his gun to the warwagon prep deck shack to work on it, but after a couple of months of tweaking between the two they couldn’t get much further on it. That was about the time Legionnaire Dinky burst through the shack door while they worked, spouting off about an idea he had during a dream. He explained it to the engineers as best he could, they got the general idea, and set to work.

A few days later the two engineers rolled out the finished project, an oversized barrel. When Dinky arrived to see it, he stopped and said ‘What is that. It’s a barrel.’ Grimpaw explained that all of the excessive outer shell with iron and guages the legionnaire had described wasn’t needed, that the same and in fact a more powerful effect could be gotten from the simple wooden barrel he was looking at.

‘Got rid of the unneeded guages, what good will those do when they are blown to pieces? Instead of trying to make a complex bomb, simpler is better and in this case more effective.’ Grimpaw told his legionnaire. ‘ And making it from wood instead of iron makes it not only lighter but cheaper, and easier to mass produce if we ever need.’

Dinky examined it with left arm crossing his chest, right one propped on left tugging at his chin hair, while they described its inner workings. When they finished, Dinky looked over at them and said, ‘Good job soldier, and to you Poppler as well. Alright let’s see what this baby can do, shall we?’. They tested it on Flame Legion in Ashford Plain with expected results; a month later the Fields of Ruin campaign more than proved its worth.


Since they had met the two were always working on a suit of armor Grimpaw had begun long before. It sat on a shelf, a pile of iron intermeshed with leather. The charr had ideas of what he wanted to do, but being so large it was hard for him to do some things in small spaces on it, like wiring, tiny screws, basically anything that couldn’t be pounded into submission.

Grimpaw had some tools he used specifically for small things, but they couldn’t always be used for one reason or another on it, so he eventually drifted off to other things. When Poppler first saw it he examined the suit for a few moments, asked the charr what exactly he wanted to do, then the asura said he had to return to his college and would be back shortly.

Over the course of several months, when he got time Poppler would disappear to his college, then sit in the shack working on the armor, day and night. After a particularly long stretch of hours he set the armor down and went to the shack’s door to call Grimpaw in. The charr went in and took a look holding it up, strange unlit light panels of different shapes in strategic places were there that it didn’t have before.

‘Try it on, Grimpaw.’ Poppler said. The engineer began to slip into his iron and leather concoction, noting for all the additions the asura made the gear felt no heavier than before.

‘The eyepiece here can give you extra focus and zooms in on anything, from close up to far away, and gives you the exact distance to the target you focus on. It also shows your retina color, which on you is your, well, strange red. The boots have flexible steel bars in them, giving you more endurance.’


Grimpaw Grindgear in the Asura/Charr engineer collaboration, the CAT suit

‘The large light on your right forearm gyroscopically balances your rifle and pistol shots; in other words, it will be as if you are using a tree crotch to steady them, even when you fire while running. And the right shoulder pegs create a magnetic field that absorbs the rifle kickback.’

‘But none of this works if you don’t turn it on.’

The asura hopped down from his stool, stepped over to Grimpaw and pressed a small button on his chest. The armor lit up in various places as Poppler walked around him, then jumped up and hit his back once. The pack on the charr’s back lit up. ‘Had to bang that one into life, sorry. Looks good. Just have to make it solid enough for combat and you’ll be all set.’

Grimpaw kept stretching around in the armor, getting it to fit where he needed, though it was already snug yet not tight; very nice. And light for medium armor. Asura technology. ‘I don’t know what to say, Poppler. I have had this collecting dust for two years because I couldn’t think of anything more I could do with my fat paws. Thank you my friend. Anything you want for it, you name it.’

‘Just don’t die in it, Grimpaw, you’ll make me look bad. I have the Coaxial Amplitude Thermistor suit, or CAT suit, entered for the Snaff Prize. Normally particle beams are used for weapons, the Snaff Prize comes into the picture because I figured out how to use them as the shield that runs through your armor.’

The charr’s jaw dropped a little and eyebrows raised at the last part, then Grimpaw put his paws on hips and grinned, saying ‘Not a problem, little guy. No problem at all.’


The Wall of Death: Revenge

A few were sitting around the campfire, some were sharpening blades and talking, some taking point.

Grim with Dinky and their warband, were joined by Fyon the Wraith and his men at the Breached Wall camp. The other four warbands, two from Brimstone, Shredskin and Wrathclaw, were hidden away; two in the Arsenal, two in the lumbermill. Grimcrotch & Dinky’s charr along with the gladium warband were the bait.

Rathgaar Firemane scouted solo to the east of the camp, watching for any incursions. Looking toward the Incendio Templum entrance from behind a rock, he watched as a mass of Flame Legion exited the doorway and headed toward him. He turned and dove behind a tree, and seeing them coming right at him he decided it was high time to….run.

‘GET HIM! Don’t let him get away!’ Rathgaar heard behind him as he bolted from the tree toward the camp. When he arrived nearly out of breath at the base, he stopped and looked at Grimcrotch who stood and hollared for the charr to grab weapons, then Rathgaar turned to face the Flame Legion force coming, slammed his staff on the ground igniting a solid ring of flame surrounding him, and growled ‘Bring it on, you sons of rockdogs!’

Dinky fired a flare then jumped into the melee, Grim keeping up a barrage from a distance while his pet Death kept lobbing poison and running into the middle of the fight to knock them down to be killed. Rathgaar, though he was more than capable of firing from range, insisted on seeing the agony of those he killed up close while spearing them with the end of his staff, and lobbing fireballs into the crowd.

Seeing the Flame Legion in flames gave him an evil smile.

Suddenly out of nowhere the other four warbands arrived and washed over the camp like a cleansing wave; the fight at Breached Wall the Flame Legion expected to be quick on the way to Bulliyak Arsenal and the lumbermill, turned into one of the worst routs they had ever experienced. ‘Get the commander’s head.’ Grim told Wardak when the fight was over.


Nearly one hundred charr soldiers walked from the camp to the Incendio Templum entrance, talking and laughing. Grim stopped and turned, ‘Shut up. Have some respect for why we are here,’ he growled at them. He pulled the bloody Flame Legion commander’s head from a bag; a soldier stepped up and jammed his spear into the ground, then Grim placed the head on top of it.

‘Flame Legion, listen up!’ Grim yelled so that anyone in their headquarters could hear him. ‘This is what’s left of your commander. Should I find you have any more trophy rooms from our dead, I will wash over this land like a plague until every one of your heads are on a pike next to this one.’ Ninety six charr threatened them: several enemy could be seen poking up above the rocks from inside.

Rathgaar Firemane looking in to Incendio Templum, Diessa Plateau

Rathgaar Firemane looking in to Incendio Templum, Diessa Plateau

Grimcrotch turned to Fyon and the Wraith warband, ‘Now go get ’em, Fyon. Dinky and Shredskin, go with them. Every head on a pike through their body where they died, no one lives.’ The three warbands bounded into Incendio Templum, they never seemed more eager for a fight. And what was left of Flame Legion in the Templum had nowhere to hide.

As Grim turned to walk back to the lumbermill with the other warbands, he could already hear gurgling screams from the first of those being beheaded alive. Sometimes he hated what had to be done, but they wouldn’t learn unless you are more ruthless than them. He stopped, considered going into the Templum to fight himself, then resumed walking back to the lumbermill; there were others who needed this fight more than him.


‘I wanted to thank you sir’, Wardak, the lone survivor gladium who pulled his greatsword on Dinky in the cave, said to the Centurion when the warbands returned after the deed to the Arsenal. ‘For what, soldier?’ Grim replied, setting down a map and turning to him.

‘Doing what you do, sir. No one else is willing to give even honorable gladium a chance to redeem themselves, but you do. I will always be in your debt. For that, and the chance to kill the very commander who led the charge wiping out my own warband.’

‘I didn’t give you anything, soldier. Your Legionnaire Fyon the Wraith said you earned your keep in Incendio Templum, and I trust his word. I expect you to resume your warband duties with him when we get back to the Citadel. And welcome to the 12th Battalion. Now get back to work.’

Grimcrotch turned to his map near the candle, scribling notes and writing in his log the events of the last couple days. Wardak saluted with a grin, running off toward the sound of Fyon the Wraith whipping his new warband into shape.